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Teresa gets a travel award to attend EBBS! CONGRATS! May 2021

Marta giving a talk at the Nitsche lab, Leibniz Research Center, Germany January 2020

SfN 2019 Chicago, IL

Lunch with experts EBBS 2019 Prague

Speakers ASD symposium, May 17, 2019, Bilbao

Speakers Lunch ASD symposium, May 17 2019, Bilbao

Visit from Chan Shin and Hee Jeong Yoo May 2019

I Symposium on Autism Research UPV/EHU BILBAO, May 17

Marta enjoying SfN! San Diego, CA November 3-7, 2018

With Hee Jeong Yoo at ASD workshop in Seoul, South Korea, October 26, 2018

Irene implanting a miniscope! Golshani lab, UCLA October 2018

Visiting Toru Takumi at RIKEN Center for Brain Science Tokyo, Japan, October 24, 2018

Marta wins a Travel Award for SfN!!

Basque Neuroscience Meeting Vitoria, Sept 7, 2018

Chairing an ASD session with Dr. Shin at WCP2018, Kyoto, Japan

OP with H. Yamasue, L. Fung and C. Shin at WCP2018, Kyoto, Japan

ASD symposium at IBNS2018

Marta and Teresa in virtual reality!! (yes, really) Social Thursday- April 26, 2018

OP lab at Rafa Yuste's amazing talk! Biofisika Institute, March 21, 2018

We made it out!! :)

Will we be able to escape? Lab Social Friday! March 2018

Women in Neuroscience Bilbao, Feb14, 2018

Mmm...delicious !! Christmas lab lunch 2017

Marta at EBBS 2017

EBBS_2017 local committee happily 'photobombed' by Larry :)

EBBS_2017 Plenary session: Larry Young's great talk on oxytocin and social behavior


Speakers dinner EBBS_2017

EBBS Meeting in Bilbao! September 8-11, 2017

Catania Neuroscience Summer School July 2017

Congrats Irene and Marta for their Travel Grants!

Catania Neuroscience Summer School July 2017

OP with Jose María Guibert, President of the University of Deusto JAKIN-MINA, Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, November 25, 2016

OP is a 2016 Grass Fellow at MBL! Woods Hole, Massachusetts


EUROPEAN BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR SOCIETY OP becomes a member of the Executive Committee (2016-2019)

Oxytocin symposium speakers at SOBP May 2016, Atlanta


OP gets selected as Associate Scientific Advisor for STM 2016-2017

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