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Selected Publications

Choe KY, Bethlehem RAI, Safrin M, Dong H, Salman E, Li Y, Grinevich V, Golshani P, DeNardo LA, Peñagarikano O, Harris NG, Geschwind DH. 2021. Oxytocin normalizes altered circuit connectivity for social rescue of the Cntnap2 knockout mouse. Neuron 


Fernández M, Sánchez-León CA, Llorente J, Sierra-Arregui T, Knafo S, Márquez-Ruiz J, Peñagarikano O. 2021. Altered Cerebellar Response to Somatosensory Stimuli in the Cntnap2 Mouse Model of Autism. eNeuro 8(5):ENEURO.0333-21.


Möhrle D, Fernández M, Peñagarikano O, Frick A, Allman B, Schmid S. 2020. What can we learn from a genetic model of autism? Neurosci Biobehav Rev 109:29-53. 


Lazaro MT, Taxidis J, Shuman T, Bachmutsky I, Ikrar T, Santos R, Marcello GM, Mylavarapu A, Chandra S, Foreman A, Goli R, Tran D, Sharma N, Azhdam M, Dong H, Choe KY, Peñagarikano O, Masmanidis SC, Rácz B, Xu X, Geschwind DH, Golshani P. 2019. Reduced Prefrontal Synaptic Connectivity and Disturbed Oscillatory Population Dynamics in the CNTNAP2 Model of Autism.

Cell Reports 27(9):2567-2578.


Parras A, Anta H, Santos-Galindo M, Swarup V, Elorza A, Nieto-González JL, Picó S, Hernández IH, Díaz-Hernández JI, Belloc E, Rodolosse A, Parikshak NN, Peñagarikano O, Fernández-Chacón R, Irimia M, Navarro P, Geschwind DH, Méndez R, Lucas JJ. 2018. Autism-like phenotype and risk gene mRNA deadenylation by CPEB4 mis-splicing. Nature 560(7719):441-446.


Lissek T, The Science Bridge consortium, Hasan M. 2017. Building Bridges through Science. Neuron 96(4): 730 - 735.


Fernández M, Mollinedo-Gajate I, Peñagarikano O. 2017. Neural circuits for social cognition, implications for autism. Neuroscience pii: S0306-4522(17)30483-9.


Peñagarikano O. 2016. Oxytocin in animal models of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Developmental Neurobiology 77(2):202-213.


Berg JM, Lee C, Chen L, Galvan L, Cepeda C, Chen JY, Peñagarikano O, Stein JL, Li A, Oguro-Ando A, Miller JA, Vashisht AA, Starks ME, Kite EP, Tam E, Gdalyahu A, Al-Sharif NB, Burkett ZD, White SA, Fears SC, Levine MS, Wohlschlegel JA, Geschwind DH. 2015. JAKMIP1, a novel regulator of neuronal translation, modulates synaptic function and autistic-like behaviors in mouse. Neuron 88(6):1173-91. 


Wei D, Lee D, Cox CD, Karsten CA, Peñagarikano O, Geschwind DH, Gall CM, Piomelli D. 2015. Endocannabinoid signaling mediates oxytocin-driven social reward. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 112(45):14084-9.


Kloth AD, Badura A, Li A, Cherskov A, Connolly SG, Giovannucci A, Bangash MA, Grasselli G, Peñagarikano O, Piochon C, Tsai PT, Geschwind DH, Hansel C, Sahin M, Takumi T, Worley PF, and Wang SH. 2015. Cerebellar associative sensory learning defects in five mouse autism models. eLife 4:e06085.


Burkett ZD, Day NF, Peñagarikano O, Geschwind DH and White SA. 2015. VoICE: A semi-automated pipeline for standardizing vocal analysis across models. Scientific Reports 5:10237


Gdalyahu A, Lazaro MT, Peñagarikano O, Golshani P, Trachtenberg J and Geschwind DH. 2015. The autism related protein Contactin-Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2) stabilizes new spines. PlosOne 10(5):e0125633.


Peñagarikano O, Lázaro MT, Lu XH, Gordon A, Dong H, Lam HA, Peles E, Maidment NT, Murphy NP, Yang XW, Golshani P and Geschwind DH. 2015. Exogenous and evoked oxytocin restores social behavior in the Cntnap2 mouse model of autism. Science Translational Medicine 7(271):271ra8.


Ellegood J, Anagnostou E, Babineau BA, Crawley JN, Lin L, Genestine M, DiCicco-Bloom E,  Lai JKY, Foster JA, Peñagarikano O, Geschwind DH, Pacey LK, Hampson DR, Laliberté CL, Mills AA, Tam E, Osborne LR, Kouser M, Espinosa-Becerra F, Xuan Z, Powell CM, Raznahan A, Robins DM, Nakai N, Nakatani J, Takumi T, van Eede MC, Kerr TM, MullerC, Blakely RD, Veenstra-VanderWeele J, Henkelman RM, and Lerch JP. (2015) Clustering autism - using neuroanatomical differences in 26 mouse models to gain insight into the heterogeneity. Molecular Psychiatry 20(1):118-25.


Chen JA, Peñagarikano O, Belgard TG, Swarup V and Geschwind DH (2015). The Emerging Picture of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Genetics and Pathology. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease 10: 111-44.


Peñagarikano O, Geschwind DH (2012). What does CNTNAP2 reveal about autism spectrum disorders? Trends in Molecular Medicine 18(3), 156-63.


Peñagarikano O, Abrahams BS, Herman I, Winden KC, Gdalyahu A, Dong H, Sonnenblick LI, Gruver R, Almajano J, Bragin A, Trachtenberg JT, Peles E, Geschwind DH (2011). Absence of CNTNAP2 leads to epileptic seizures, neuronal migration abnormalities and core autism-related deficits. Cell 147, 235-46.

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